We’re proud to announce our company ITW Heartland received the Alexandria Peace Challenge award.
— Article by Echo Press news. Written By: Al Edenloff | —
“Groups honored for meeting Mayor’s Peace Challenge”
At the start of their Jan. 27 meeting, Alexandria City Council members took time to honor local businesses and groups that completed Mayor Sara Carlson’s Peace Challenge, a program offered by United Communities Advocating Non-Violence, UCAN.
The honorees received plaques for meeting criteria designed to help reduce domestic abuse and other forms of violence in the community.
This included providing employees with workplace policy regarding domestic abuse and harassment; providing employees with domestic abuse awareness training; displaying posters, brochures and flyers about sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, stalking and local services; and developing a safety plan for at-risk employees and referring them to community resources.
Groups included ITW Heartland, Echo Press, Lake Community Church, Bethany on the Lake, Glenwood State Bank, Horizon Public Health, Alexandria Technical and Community College, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, Hampton Inn and Suites, and Tastefully Simple.
UCAN started in 2000 with a 100-man luncheon. The effort was designed to get more men of the community involved in anti-violence efforts, especially domestic violence. From that luncheon, the Business Workplace Committee was formed with interested business and community members.
Visit Echo Press https://www.echopress.com/news/4887240-Groups-honored-for-meeting-Mayors-Peace-Challenge